There is far more to a positive customer experience than just functionality, high levels of competition ensure that ecommerce websites need to be functioning at their best in order to convert customers. This is where progressive web apps come in, technology that brings the latest web capabilities to your site and ensures that your client’s experience is never anything short of market leading. There are many reasons as to why you may wish to implement progressive web apps within your ecommerce website, see some of the best reasons for doing so as well as a description of what progressive web apps actually are below.
The main thing that a progressive web app tries to implement is a native app-like experience for those visiting your website. A native app is a program that is designed for a specific device thereby offering a whole host of benefits when used on that device. Some of the main examples are applications like Facebook or WhatsApp that look to make use of internal features such as microphones, GPS, accelerometer, and many more in turn leading to a better user experience. A progressive web app looks to make use of all of these benefits by providing a user experience mirroring that of a native app and intends in the future to combine web and native apps into a single version.
As stated in the aforementioned section, progressive web apps offer a wide assortment of benefits over their regular web app counterparts, benefits that will likely make them the prime choice within websites going into the future.
One of the main benefits of native applications is their speed. Having been built for the device in specific, they make full use of all the features available and are tailor-built to work at their fastest without overreaching on RAM.
Negating the need for a network connection, progressive web apps are incredibly reliable as they are not reliant on a speedy connection. This also adds to the overall speed as it allows for almost instant loading of web pages.
Unlike many other types of web applications, progressive web apps can make use of features such as push notifications to further engage potential clients. For recurring clients, a direct shortcut can also be placed on their device’s home screen allowing for instant access.
Through all of these benefits its easy to understand why the implementation of progressive mobile apps has become the norm for ecommerce websites and why so many developers see them as the future.
Get in touch with our experts here at Red C who can help you with developing your apps and give you a wider understanding of iOS. We can also help you with web integration, API and backend services based in London, which can transform your business processes and your customer experience offering.
Contact us using our contact form or by phoning us.