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Death of the desktop: streamlining business processes with an app

It was announced that at the beginning of the month that mobile web usage has taken over the desktop browsing for the first time. The workforce is no stranger to mobile in their personal lives to improve efficiency and communication, but many have yet to harness opportunities in the workplace.

Pinpointing where your business lags behind and how mobile solutions can help, requires focusing on the areas of your business that are disconnected and teams that would benefit from enhanced mobility. Here are some ways in which mobile apps can streamline your business processes.

Dramatically cut down admin times

Cutting down lengthy admin times is important for every business. Digitising admin makes the process not only quicker, but is becoming essential for an increasingly mobile workforce. 

Create closer connections

The mobility of an app also provides the opportunity to connect a workforce. Apps can provide an easier means to communicate between departments and transfer information. Mobile solutions make information accessible to all. For many businesses digitising processes also enhances transparency.

For example, businesses like Ductclean who have a large amount of field staff dedicated to contract work, an app has provided a transparent means for the client to view the work in progress. Through an app, field staff upload photos from their jobs and are prevented from signing off a job with mandatory forms and fields to complete.

Train and engage

Mobile apps can be utilised to inform and engage your employees. Apps can boost worker productivity by more than 34%. Push notifications provide an easy means to communicate with your employees, whether this is reminder to complete training or a notification of company-wide changes. Discover how Barts Health have transformed training with a mobile solution. Through a dedicated app, NHS training modules can be completed and assessed instantly saving money and boosting training compliance to a record 93%.

Access intelligent insights

Apps can also make it easier to visual how you are performing. For instance, within an industry where the workforce is out in the field, an app’s backend provides insightful data into job performance, in real time. Gathering data about what works and what doesn’t is important to refining processes and with mobile this has never been quicker or easier to do so.