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Hosting and Maintenance

Mobile App Hosting and Maintenance

Once your app has been submitted to the App Store or Google Play Store, Red C provide ongoing support and maintenance as well as scalable mobile app hosting services to keep your app up-to-date and running seamlessly. At Red C we understand that things can go wrong with applications and therefore look to promptly address any issues that arise through our mobile app hosting and maintenance services.

Red C offers three levels of mobile app hosting services. All our projects are hosted with industry-leading Rackspace or Amazon servers which have 99.99% uptime and are backed up on a nightly basis. We can help you choose the right mobile app hosting server for your project, whatever your requirements.

Here at Red C, we can provide mobile app hosting and maintenance after we have developed your product to ensure that it is consistently working to an optimal level. Get in touch with our app developers to discuss your maintenance and how our mobile app hosting services can cater to your business’ requirements. For mobile app hosting services London, get in touch with our team of experts at Red C.

Get in touch

App hosting options

Maintenance options

Discuss your project with us and find out if Red C would be a good fit for your company

App development services

Our industry-leading app development services cater to a varying range of app types:

iOS mobile apps

Web app development

App promotion

Web services and APIs

Android mobile apps

Hybrid app development

Support and maintenance

App updates